Gamme Poseidon2

La gamme Poseidon2

Poseidon2  have a physical interface to classic Ethernet and represent the universal Internet of Things (IIoT) solutions. Thanks to the Ethernet interface, it is possible to transfer from the device not only current values but also data, stored in the device buffer.
The data can be transmitted via the HWg-Push protocol to the SensDesk public portal, HWg-PDMS software or 3rd party systems using the MQTT IO protocol. Data can also be emailed to PDMS, and the software will download it from the POP3 POP3 mailbox or its secured POP3S varian.

Poseidon2 3266

Poseidon2 3266 supports up to 8 sensors connected over 1-Wire UNI / 1-Wire and up to 4 detectors connected to digital inputs.


Poseidon2 3268

Poseidon2 3268 supports up to 8 sensors connected over 1-Wire UNI / 1-Wire and up to 4 detectors connected to digital inputs. Poseidon2 3268 can control 2 digital NO/NC relay outputs, as well as up to 8 virtual digital outputs (VDO) at remote Poseidon2 or Damocles2 units (M2M).

Poseidon2 3468

Poseidon2 3468 supports up to 8 sensors connected over 1-Wire UNI / 1-Wire and up to 4 detectors connected to digital inputs. Poseidon2 3468 can control 2 digital 230 V / 10 A relay outputs, as well as up to 8 virtual digital outputs (VDO) at remote Poseidon2 or Damocles2 units (M2M).

In addition to the standard 9–30 V power input, Poseidon2 3468 can be powered from -48 V to enable easy use in Telco solutions.

Poseidon2 4002

Poseidon2 4002 can connect up to 40 sensors (16 via 1-Wire UNI/1-Wire + 24 via RS-485), provides 12 digital dry contact inputs (DI), 8 virtual digital outputs and allows control of 4 relay outputs (NO/NC). - Portail Cloud intuitif  est un portail hébergé par OVH en France et géré par QL3D pour les capteurs LAN, GSM/3G/4G & NB-IoT d’ HW group.

Vous pouvez surveiller la température, l’humidité, les fuites d’eau, les entrées numériques, la tension, le courant, la consommation d’énergie et bien d’autres paramètres. Vous pouvez également contrôler à distance vos appareils.